I am

Jorge Garcia

The Lessons Learned

Teaching men to confront their past, forgive, and build confidence is what I do. Setting them free by changing their mindset, removing obstacles to allow growth, and a future they desire is who I am.

About Me

Hi, my name is Jorge Garcia. I believe men who grew up without a father who didn’t feel seen, safe, and understood can grow and restore their confidence by learning, implementing, and sharing. I also believe that men experiencing their hero’s journey could have an extraordinary life of happiness and abundance. They do it by being forgiving, loving, trusting, and passionate.

Look, I’m not saying that my life was any better or worse than yours. I was raised by a single mother partially handicapped at the age of two years from the effects of Polio. I’m the oldest of 4 siblings. I had to be the big brother, protector, provider, and father figure at a very young age. We were on welfare, living in a rough, gang, drug-infested neighborhood. When I was 12, we became homeless, and we were split up to live with relatives for an entire year.

I had no respectable role models growing up, not until Heavy Metal music came into my life. I was young full of anger and testosterone. My dream was to be a badass drummer in a Metal band. I taught myself to play the drums, and you know what! Playing music kept me focused on my vision, goals, and school. Unlike most of my close friends, I graduated high school and did not have a baby before nineteen years old, like many (I paid attention in Sex Education class). To date, I still don’t have children by choice.

I was naïve, though I knew it all, and I let negative people influence me. I went to a dark place, and I lost focus on my dreams of being the best I could ever be. I made many mistakes at a young age, and I regret a lot of those mistakes. I wish I could change them; I wish I could go back in time and tell my 18-year-old self about self-improvement, being a BETTER person, having BETTER relationships, being OPEN-MINDED, and IMPROVE my health, but I can’t. Maybe I can help others avoid the same mistakes that I made.

About Me.

Hi, my name is Jorge Garcia. I believe men who grew up without a father who didn’t feel seen, safe, and understood can grow and restore their confidence by learning, implementing, and sharing. I also believe that men experiencing their hero’s journey could have an extraordinary life of happiness and abundance. They do it by being forgiving, loving, trusting, and passionate.

Look, I’m not saying that my life was any better or worse than yours. I was raised by a single mother partially handicapped at the age of two years from the effects of Polio. I’m the oldest of 4 siblings. I had to be the big brother, protector, provider, and father figure at a very young age. We were on welfare, living in a rough, gang, drug-infested neighborhood. When I was 12, we became homeless, and we were split up to live with relatives for an entire year.

I had no respectable role models growing up, not until Heavy Metal music came into my life. I was young full of anger and testosterone. My dream was to be a badass drummer in a Metal band. I taught myself to play the drums, and you know what! Playing music kept me focused on my vision, goals, and school. Unlike most of my close friends, I graduated high school and did not have a baby before nineteen years old, like many (I paid attention in Sex Education class). To date, I still don’t have children by choice.

I was naïve, though I knew it all, and I let negative people influence me. I went to a dark place, and I lost focus on my dreams of being the best I could ever be. I made many mistakes at a young age, and I regret a lot of those mistakes. I wish I could change them; I wish I could go back in time and tell my 18-year-old self about self-improvement, being a BETTER person, having BETTER relationships, be opened MINDED and IMPROVE my health, but I can’t, maybe I can help some men avoid the same mistakes that I made.

Contact Me


+1 (323) 990-7006

JAVIVS Global Solutions INC.

12070 Lakewood Blvd #1078

Downey, CA 90242


++1 (323) 990-7006

JAVIVS Global Solutions INC.

12070 Lakewood Blvd #1078

Downey, CA 90242

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